Pretty sunset on a long day. But it was worth it. Only a few hours till I am on the road headed toward the RainbowGathering in western Montana. Definitely more to come with a lot less stress involved. *smiling big in anticipation*
So, you are heading to a Rainbow Gathering? Michael and I went to 1 in Colorado bout 7 years ago on the way out here. Coming from Indiana it was a little difficult for me to enjoy, and digest Kirshna food-LMAO but I would definatly do it again some time and experience the full on fun!
So, you are heading to a Rainbow Gathering? Michael and I went to 1 in Colorado bout 7 years ago on the way out here. Coming from Indiana it was a little difficult for me to enjoy, and digest Kirshna food-LMAO but I would definatly do it again some time and experience the full on fun!