Friday, June 21, 2013

Long but interesting trip. (Montana now)

Well right as i got in south Dakota after my last posting my cell service became non existent. Made it through no problems was kind of fun. Tell you this anyone who said busking (street performing) isn't work hasn't done it for 4 days straight just to keep moving.
Me and my ride (All Bright, his street name) are now in Bozeman Montana. Man this town is full of street kids, mostly rainbows heading to the gathering. But we are now part of a caravan heading into the gathering later today. It is as normal for a street crew a very eccentric bunch. Nice though to have all the good vibes around.

So soon I won't be near anything that gives an electronic signal out past Jackson Montana near the Idaho border so it will be about a month before i can post again. But when I do get back to the electric world oh yeah big dump of information and lots more pictures to be posted.

Here is a picture dump of South Dakota an Montana from after i lost signal though. Enjoy the beautiful sights.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

South Dakota

So now entering. Another state closer to the goal. Busking is getting us there even if it is a little slow.

Land of Wind Farms

Another day on the road. Man Minnesota has a lot of  wind farms. All's good so far soon to do a photo dump to the facebook page and post some vids i haven't had a chance to post to the YouTube channel.
Also with all the page hits (744) I'm surprised it is so quiet on the comments. But at least my blog is getting page hits so thank you all very much for keeping up with my adventures

Monday, June 17, 2013

In Minnesota now

Well in Minnesota now. Actually nice not having to worry about weather or when the next ride might show. Also nice not always having to carry my heavy main pack.

On a side note. Scavenged a zipper of my main pack cause my main zipper on Ixel broke in half. Can't let Ixel stay damaged dangit.

Well have a good day all back to traveling on the road :)

On the road to Montana

Well I am now on Iowa with my ride to Montana. Not bad, was worried about him not picking me up cause he got a little lost plus other issues but he made it about 2 am and been on the road since. Soon have to busker, jugg, or spange for gas money but that's fine. On the way to the gathering. I can already hear jimbee drums playing. :)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Beautiful end to a long day

Pretty sunset on a long day. But it was worth it. Only a few hours till I am on the road headed toward the Rainbow Gathering in western Montana. Definitely more to come with a lot less stress involved. *smiling big in anticipation*

In Champaign Illinois ready to head to Montana

Made it to Champaign Illinois yesterday around 6 pm. Lots of stormy weather then the rain didn't want to let up along with basically 0 ride offers (plenty of food offers though). Thought i was going to be stuck here. Made it out once but only to I72/I57 crossover before a state trooper stopped me and basically would only bring me back here (or a no services exit with 0 traffic).
Good news is i have been email exchanging with someone heading to Montana and he will come get me here before going that way. Yay :) so that's about it for now besides me having to say THIS STATE SUCKS UGH!! Will be glad to get out of it again.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Still in Danville * updated

Sitting here still waiting on a ride. Plenty of traffic just no one wants to stop. That's OK though me and Ixel are patient. Just hope it is before the end of the day when I get a ride onward.

Update: on my way to Champaign now next stop Springfield.

Getting ready to leave Danville

Well I stopped by Danville and seen my daughter again since I was passing through :D (happy daddy). Spent last night in Ellsworth park and on my way out decided to look my SOSReady crank light I lost last time I was in Danville. Well guess what I found? You guessed it. my flashlight. :) awesome stop if I say so myself

Thursday, June 13, 2013

From Fort Wayne to Crawfordsville in one afternoon.

Made it pretty dang far in this short of a time make Illinois by nightfall if this keeps up. Last ride got me from just north of 465 in Indy to here. Not bad, not bad at all

Back on the road

Well back on the road again and out of fort Wayne

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Delayed another day.

Weather just won't let me go dangit. Well guess I'm heading out tomorrow. Hmm

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Phone back up and loading

Well got phone back up and running so every thing is good to go again. Few more days then back on the road

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Back in the fort

So my phone started acting up on my way back. after i got out of Illinois (15 miles outside) got stuck at Veedersburg exit over night and the weather dumped on me getting a lot of my stuff wet (not the reason my phone died). ended up sleeping right by the restricted access sign right by the on-ramp with no issues besides being cold. Glad i had some clothes in the middle up my packs that stayed dry. next morning after a couple hours sitting there i ended up saying screw it and walking on down the highway. Made it about 4-5 miles before getting my next ride to a decent exit with truck stop and stuff. got a quick ride from there to I465N/C'ville split. that area of 465 sucks by the way for hitching. walked another mile of so before the next ride i got. That ride ended up taking me to a decent exit on I69 that i had spent a short time at on the way down to Danville Ill. spent most the day there till right before dark when my next ride was heading right by the exit i needed here in fort wayne. I swear i get some of the luckiest rides at times.

Timing Fort Wayne to Danville - Approx 48 hours
Timing Danville to Fort Wayne - Approx 35 Hours

Not bad if i say so myself. Only major thing i will miss in Danville is my daughter but glad she can keep in touch now and that the abusive piece of crap is no longer in her of my baby mommas life (took way to long to get rid of him). the walking toilet come to find out even slapped my child. Only found that out the last few days there after he was already served the Emergency Order of Protection and forced to stay away. If i had known sooner I would have been in jail for sure.

But anyways i am back in my hometown now doing a small quick restock before heading out again. me and Ixel will be back out there here soon and keeping you all updated on our journey.

Till Later

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Back in Indiana

Caught a ride from a nice lady that said she never picks people up normally so I got away from that dang prison exit, thank gawd.  About 30 miles down the road or so

Oh yeah forgot to mention

There is a prison near by so unless I really get lucky I am stuck like I told my baby mom I would be by being dropped here.sure she knew I would be and it's probably why she did it knowing her and her attitude toward me this last few days

Illinois Indiana border waiting for ride

Watch "Illinois Indiana border" on YouTube

Not as active as was thought but will get ride eventually. Hopefully before the rain gets here

On the road again

Back on the road after 2 and a half Weeks. Gonna miss my daughter but gotta play the cards your dealt. Back to the journey

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