Been a minute since my last posting. things are getting close now. I am loving how about my departure date they are predicting snow for this area. That's going to be fuuuuun.
All i have left is food stock and to water treat my tent cause i found a few leak spots during my test setup. Man the butterflies right now though. It has been almost 14 years and im really looking forward to this now though
also added a location to my itinerary. Sometime in Mid june i will be heading to western Montana for a National Rainbow Gathering (peace gathering in national forest). the main day for the festival is July 4th and i will be leaving probably about a week after that. During that time i may not post due to being out in the middle of nowhere with a strong possibility of no signal.But as soon as i am in an area that has signal i will update with many pictures, videos, and stories. Hope you all enjoy this journey with me and maybe i will see some of you while i am out on the road.
Ready for travel
here is a page with info on where i will bee
the main page here has more info on the festival and movement itself