Friday, October 16, 2015

Long time since any updates

Hey all i know it has been a long time since my last update but working on this from phone kind of sucks, lol. So came back to fort wayne just in time for the homeless camp clean outs. Glad all my stuff was still in travel mode and was still in camp when they came through. Others were not so lucky, one losing a very old bible with irreplaceable pictures in it others losing clothes and bedding and tents. Some stuff eas burnt other stuff hauled away by the cities privately hired cleaning crew. It says something when you have to hire a seperate company to do what is normally done by the parks department. Anyways i also got my picture in the paper from busking at arts in the park busker fest. Yaaay me. But anyway, working temporarily sorting boxes of files alphabetically for a friend here. Sometimes wish things would go smoother but i know good luck on that happening, when have they ever went anywhere near planned. Well thats it for now. Thank you for following and please continue to do so as well as consider donating to my gofundme account
Peace all.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Back in the Fort

Well ended up going back to Fort Wayne for festival season. So many new faces here makes me wonder. Still hate taking greyhound. Though should be back in Seattle are though by this time next year. Such interesting times wish I had my laptop working so i could type it out in full. just know once I do get decent time on a computer I will have a lot to post.

Friday, July 3, 2015

been a while

Man it has been a bit since I last posted on here, but should get more active again soon. So I have been in Seattle a little over six months now. Not much has gone as originally planned (what ever does) so going to be heading out soon. Some day things may work out right till then, well yeah. Need new shoulder straps on my pack and a new waist strap buckle (1 1/2 strap size) since the old ones broke. But either way hitting the road again soon as well as posting more often. Thank you all again for following me through the good and bad times.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

2700 Page views YAAAAY!!!!

so up to 2700 Page veiws as of this posting YAY... thank you all for following my journey over the last 2 1/2 years.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Quick Salon Article that is a very good read.

So was reading this article and thought it was really good and needs to have a link on my blog. - worst nightmares that we are becoming why Americas treatment of homeless people is a disgrace

Been a minute but heres the ups

Hey all how has it been?

I know it has been a minute since my last posting. it has been kind of busy lately in some ways, and yet stale in others. Over the last week i have been letting my elbow heal back up instead of continuing busking daily for food and coffee money. on the plus though on the day after i overextended it was sitting where i usually perform with just a sign saying all i want is a doughnut and coffee, and well ask and you shall receive, first a nice lady comes back from my favorite top pot (where i am at now lol) with a $50 gift card, then to my surprise right after that another lady comes by with a doughnut and coffee. Needless to say i have had coffee and doughnut for breakfast for a week and also got me a new cup since my last one broke when it fell out my pack. don't have that worry with this cup since it is made of metal inside and out :) .

Waiting on ferry to Bremerton WA
Also in my personal news I will have a place and work coming here soon, Work i have been wanting since i was around 13-14, the job Apprentice Horticulturalist learning under someone who has been doing it for about 15 years. the only thing that is in the air is will there be 2 or 3 of us doing it, either way it is looking like a month before i will have a roof over my head again then about 2 or so before money in my pocket, but that is ok by me, i mean i have been in a holding pattern for over a year now on getting things working right and dealing with this or that sooo what is one or 2 more months. Made it this long.

Beautiful Sunset View From Waterfront Park (my home 4 now)
So looking at my pageviews i am at 2,648 page visits and 148 (this will make 149) posts so far and over the last week viewers from the UK, China, and USA and have seen in past weeks Canada, Italy, Peru, Russia, France and Spain. I thank you all for visiting and giving me  reason to keep posting on my adventure called life and the journeys it has lead to.

Western Ave. Seattle, WA

Foggy Morning on the Waterfront

Thursday, February 26, 2015

And the update

So things are going good for me. got to talk to my baby girl lately and boy were we both so happy about that. also here in 2 months I will (pretty sure, like 98% sure) have a place and good work. now that doesn't mean i will stop my travels, oh contrare, this actually will help me with my travels and help me fund them. also this will let me finalize all the crap back in fort waste and get me out from under it all.

Outside of that, been making many acquaintances out here and a few friends. and i don't think one of them has a boring story about how they got into their situation. one of these times i will have to record some down so my horrible memory doesn't have to try and work overtime to share with you all.

The Busking here isn't great but its not horrible, Seattle has always been an interesting place when it comes to the sign you use, it seems if you don't state what exactly you are looking for sometimes they have no clue what to give and give nothing.  Today I added a sign that had 3 things i pretty much need and 1 want and not to long i had all 4. Coffee, Food, Ferry Ticket (Bremerton) on the needs and phone card on the wants, can use wifi while getting coffee so this went in the wants list. took less then an hour to get the needs and while getting coffee the wants list got taken care of.

Thank you all who follow my either on twitter, facebook, here on Blogger, and/or Google +, as well as those who have found my blog outside those outlets. Thank you all without you there would be no point in me sharing this all.

Photo grenade. (massive picture post)

So i am posting the pics i have yet to post here. many of these are on my FB page so you may have seen them but for those who don't use FB here we go.. *pulls pin*

And Boooom!

(*Disclaimer - No real grenades were used in the posting of this blog article, only pictures. Nothing was damaged nor was any explosions used, i used the term figuratively. Thank you :P *)

Thursday, February 19, 2015

2481 page views

almost to 2500 views of my blog. Thank you all, when i started this i didn't think i would have s many interested in my journey. now that is views not individual people but still not bad in my opinion for a little over a year and a half of taking pictures, videos and just generally ranting.

Thank you all

Traveler Stiks

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Been avoiding it But

Since i need a way to generate some income even if a trickle, I will be adding an AdSense advertisement to the bottom of my page sidebar. i know i said i would try to avoid this but as you all understand, have to do what it takes to survive out here and in a world that runs on money well, you all should understand. if it gets to be a hassle i will end the ads but until then...

Will be about a week before they appear, (time for review). like i have said i don't want to but i will make sure they are as non-invasive as possible.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Quick vid of my Busk taken by a spectator

A guy recorded me Busking at the ferry terminal and i was able to get him to send me the vid :)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Wet night

So last night was wet. i mean wet. first spot i had set up earlier at (bout a week ago) when it had rain didn't work so well last night. instead of the water running to the drain where it did last time it decided to puddle right under me. so my sleeping bag is soaked through for now. that's what i get for using a USMC wet tarp as a top cover and not have an under layer. That's ok though since it is winter i had 2 dry blankets still in my pack and found a dry spot next to the aquarium that I slept at least half way decent at. 2 middle of the night wake ups instead of my normal 1. One around midnight due to part of the blanket coming off my backside (i either lay dead still or move quite a bit) and a cold breeze chilling me awake, and then my normal wake up around 3-3:30 just cause its my natural cycle outside. of course this morning woke up around 6am and now sitting in Top Pot drinking my morning coffee (saved enough for it last night :) ). Hope you all are doing well And i would like to hear from some of you on here. i see the views but no comments still. Well have a good one all.

Traveler Stiks

Monday, February 2, 2015

Homeless protesters win court battle | | Tucson, Arizona


"The City believes that as a matter of law, a person cannot engage in expressive conduct on a continuous basis," according the order.

"The City is wrong," the judge wrote.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

So this guy needs some help (ENDED)

Help This Homeless Guy replace his stolen gear
So the other night it was rainy as it normally gets here in Seattle. Me i have no problem dealing with rainy situations tarp et al. but this older gent that has been on the streets for a while and still has at least 9 months left before housing can help him, went looking for a dryer spot to sleep. all he had was 2 small blankets his pack with clothes, hygiene products, few other supplies (coffee, snacks et al) and some cardboard, so he wasn't prepared for sleeping without cover int he park like I.

This ended up bad for him. He went to an area he normally doesn't go to sleep at, and while he slept his pack with all his stuff besides his blankets was stolen.. This post is a call for those who follow my blog to help this guy out. will post receipts and the gear when it is purchased with donated funds, and keep you updated. like i said any help is appreciated and please share this. the faster the better for this man since he is out here with just his blankets in a trash bag now.

Thank you
Traveler Stiks

*links removed as they are no longer active*

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Morning all

morning all.
well yesterday had to busk up diner and tobacco (in the rain mind you) and actually got told i should get a real job by this young (maybe 20) kid. man all i could do is laugh at him. even had to stop busking. he looked at me funny cause i was laughing and walked away in a hurry. What i found so funny was that at his age he has no clue what a real job is and will probably be out on the streets in about 5-10 years wishing he had some skill to fall back on like I do.

Besides that did ok only about 3 an hour hitting the ferry terminal walkway so that took me 3 hours for my needs and wants (about 7 for food and 2 for bag of tobacco = 9). thats 6 ferry unloads (3 bremerton 3 bainbridge). yeah should have made more quicker but mid week and all. on the plus people are getting used to seeing me and realize i am living on the streets and not just pretending so they are being more open with me and their wallets. overall not to bad second week. and coming up is superbowl sunday. Time for money and fun, hells yeah.


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Not much new

Well im here. started hanging back in Waterfront Park now that i know it isn't shut down. Waiting for my Road dog to arrive (about a week) but until then been hanging out with another old traveler. already taught him some new tricks lol. love doing that. but yeah semi- un-eventful. next week though this city is going to blow up one way or another with the Seahawks at the Super Bowl. Got my markers and sticks all ready to make some money that night. 1 week away. Any ways still here, eating good fresh seafood, and enjoying good coffee. you know it is a pain to find cheap junk food here (mcDonalds, Burger King, Wendys, et al.) its all healthy, fresh caught, or expensive. (6 bucks at least for small meal many places). well time to get off here for a bit Have a great Sunday and an awesome weEk all and keep following me here at as well as on facebook page Hitching Stiks, and twitter (though i don't update twitter much) @TravelerStiks

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Well i Went to seattle

yeah i know not much warning but had a chance for work so Seattle bound it was. Cant let the house situation keep me stuck and broke and ridiculously homeless saying i have a house. any ways here is some video updates for you all. this time my Facebook side fans got the scoop first though...

Sunday, January 18, 2015

On road in seattle

well i am back on the road again. in seattle at the current mainly cause of waiting work (trim) but man i really needed out of the waste. dealing with estate probate is something i never want to do again next time just let it all go natural through. any way here in seattle it seems dead. quick update on how all this got here since it has been a bit.

Started off back in 2013 Was losing my mind living with my dad (off of more like it since work was hard to find) so i hit the road hitching across country in effort to find a place to get back on my feet. Well during all this i ended up geting the offer i wanted, just had to go to seattle area. got there and was starting the work of setting it all up when my Dads health declined fast (was declining but he was hiding it from me while i was traveling) so i ended up going back there to resume helping him with the intent of returning when he got better. well he never really got better, caught pneumonia recovered from that and then had a stroke that knocked him down for good. May 19 2014 as i was getting ready to hitch to my daughters birthday on the 22nd the old man passed. Well he had a will that left everything to me (including executor of estate) and no lawyer in control of this (don't do this people please) has been a hassle since. Well not having work and most the money being eaten by the funeral (all of it) that left me my fall back of Busking, this does not pay the bills in fort wayne indiana i assure you, so eventually lights and gas cut off. well the guy down the street from the house wanted to under-price by the house by an unacceptable level and offer me 5k (started off 10k that i might have accepted) on a 56k house. since i wouldn't sell and city code requires all utilities for a residence he decided to use that to basically boot me from my own place. had the law and city code come one day and basically tell e i couldn't stay there but could only be there between 8am and technically 8pm though the code guy said for sure by 6pm and if i violated that the house would have a condemned sign placed upon it and any occupancy charged with trespass. so that made it where my only option would be live on streets. so for the last 3-5 months (stopped keeping track after week 1) that has been my home, the streets of Fort Wayne.well the work offer is still here in seattle and i figure i have been stuck long enough (sept. 2013 - jan 2015) and it was time to get back out here. Luckily due to my busking location choices i met and awesome family lawyer named Neil and through the time he decided to help me out to get out here (it was i hitch or wait extra time for trustees to do their thing, or him get my dirty dog ticket). so here i am waiting to get that last bit set up where i get to go back to the waste AGAIN and finish off this crap. at least this time though will be my last time forced back into the waste probably around march to sell off the property finally. thank you Neil Hayes, you have to be one of the mosy awesome lawyers i have ever me and you generally bring my faith back into humanity btw. And everyboby Prayers and positive energy out to Lucy, Neils puppy dog who has cancer surgery coming up very soon

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