Thursday, September 18, 2014

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

still here

so i lost my cell (stolen) on the last day of 3 rivers fest in fort wayne. so all i have to update with is my laptop that i don't like to lug around everywhere. thats why updates are coming slow lately. got a lot of videos on my PoV glasses cam waiting to be converted and uploaded but have to find actual time to do it all. hope by the end of this month to be back on the road working on things again and free of this wasteland of a city. well see you all later

Thursday, July 3, 2014

So about Busking fire

So every time I go out and do my thing I always get asked "can you do that on fire?".
The answer to this question is yes I can, however i don't have the materials at current to make a fire set and i can not do it in public spaces without a permit and extra Fire safety gear (fire extinguishers, fire dept. on hand, et al). Private parties/property However i am allowed to spin fire with no restrictions.

The materials part isn't to hard to Obtain as i found a site that sells just what i need. What i need is approx 10ft of 2 inch wide Kevlar/Fiberglass Wick and a spool of Kevlar thread, as well as fuel. The Kevlar wick and thread I have found at (not paid to promote I post that on my own)and overall should cost around $35 or so. $1.70 per ft of the wick ($17) and $10 for spool of kevlar thread plus shipping.

so there you go and hey maybe one of you might want to help me get the materials to spin fire and i can possibly come do a Private Party or just come entertain you.

Busking near Living Fort Wayne Free Concert

Traffic was horribly low but it was a Wednesday so that's not a huge surprise.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Busking at Ribfest Downtown Fort Wayne

Was at ribfest busking in Headwaters Park Downtown fort wayne. even got recorded by PBS TV 39 though don't know when it aired or airs. heres from my glasses cam while busking. keep forgetting the lens is basically on my forehead so didn't get a great shot of me spinning my sticks

Friday, June 27, 2014

Haven't posted in a while but

well i got Videos to edit/splice and what not coming soon. been busy with stuff but still making vids. one day soon i set a day aside just to get all that done and then will be posting up quite a few vids and pictures. But while you wait here is one i took recently at rib fest in downtown Fort Wayne

Thursday, February 27, 2014

NASA | SDO Observes Strong X-class Solar Flare

As posted at

STORM WARNING: NOAA forecasters estimate a 45% chance of minor geomagnetic storms on Feb. 27th when a CME from Tuesday's X4-flare is expected to deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field. A dark and moonless midnight sky favors the visibility of high-latitude auroras

X-FLARE! Long-lived sunspot AR1967 returned to the Earthside of the sun on Feb. 25th and promptly erupted, producing an X4.9-class solar flare.  This is the strongest flare of the year so far and one of the strongest of the current solar cycle. A movie from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the explosion hurling a loop of hot plasma away from the blast site:

Coronagraphs onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory tracked this material as it raced away from the sun, eventually forming a bright CME, pictured below.. Radio emissions from shock waves at the leading edge of the CME suggest an expansion velocity near 2000 km/s or 4.4 million mph. If such a fast-moving cloud did strike Earth, the resulting geomagnetic storms could be severe. However, because its trajectory is so far off the sun-Earth line, the CME will deliver a no more than a glancing blow. NOAA forecasters expect a weak impact on Feb. 27th.
The source of the eruption is long-lived sunspot AR1967, now beginning its third trip across the Earthside of the sun. This region was an active producer of flares during its previous transits, and it looks like the third time will be no different. By tradition, sunspots are renumbered each time they return, so AR1967 has been given a new name, AR1990. After today, that is what we will call it

Monday, January 27, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

Go away evil white stuff

Planning a trip to Florida and Oregon here very soon and this evil white crap that falls from the sky needs to go away. Just a week or 2 above 40 would be nice as long as I can get on my way

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bored late night ramble

Friday, January 3, 2014

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