Tuesday, July 30, 2013

First time in Seattle

My first time in Seattle Washington. Interesting so far. But where do I choose to sit? China Town lol all the spangers are passing through here so maybe meet a few get the lay of the land. Interesting people here that's for sure

Monday, July 29, 2013

Stopped by chips in Portland

Not going back

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Vancouver Washington here I am


Saturday, July 27, 2013


Friday, July 26, 2013

Prepping for Saturday Street Market in Eugene

Well been working on improving my style with devil sticks for tomorrow at the Saturday Market in Eugene. If that don't work out I'm heading to Portland for a few days to busk up some money. Feel like I'm going stir crazy though having a roof over my head and no major plans at the current time.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

First day in a while

Well today is the first day in a while I have no clue what to do really. I thought of going geocaching, still might but this is the first time I don't have to find a ride or try and busk some money or go around to different services to get things I need or scout places to sleep for the next night. It feels really weird. Anyway i guess some of my messaging on my blog needs updated and is giving script errors. Right now not to much I can do till I get access to a computer that isn't a phone but until then I guess try leaving comments in the actual articles like this one or on the Facebook page itself http://www.facebook.com/hitchingstiks . I will get to it as soon as I get the chance. Well laters all and chat with ya soon

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

More photos

Didn't get all the photos uploaded so here are the rest. May have duplicates though

Portland Oregon.

And my constant companions so far on my journey. They always seem to show up right before things go really good :)

Now a foodie.

Well i finally did it. I went and applied for food stamps here in Oregon. No where near the hoops they make you jump through in Indiana, part of the reason I didn't apply in Indiana. So for the next 6 months minimum (1 year as long as i come back and pick up mail in January) i got food no problems. Today I go and get some bus tokens and check on other local services. And the girl who has been letting me stay at her place has been awesome. If i want i have a mattress i can use and the fridge being open to me helps though i can now replace what i consume so as not to annoy anyone.

Still debating if i want to try and make hemp fest in Washington or not. I'm thinking I do but need to save up some busk money to make sure I don't get stuck like I did in Portland. Also if I ever go to Portland again I am making sure i have at least 30 saved up for the bus out of there.

Well I'm signing off for now catch you all later and have a good day or night wherever you are

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Friday, July 19, 2013

Photos of trip so far

Yep that time again. Mass photo upload

Leaving Portland tonight

So I got some money sent and got a bus ticket out of Portland heading for Eugene. Yay getting to leave. Wasn't too bad just not coming back unless i have way out and no backpack on ahead of time cause some people here are some major bull. Glad to be leaving though for sure. Here soon will post photos of my trip across Idaho and Oregon shortly now that i got decent web.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


So yesterday a caught a ride over 400 miles from Caldwell just outside Boise to here in Portland. Interesting city Portland. Like the max electric train. Saved me some major hitch time on the highway getting to I-5 from I-205. At current using a broken power box to charge my phone. Looks like they lock them normally here. Anyway here soon I am walking on down to the 5 to head toward Eugene. Hopefully i make it before or at least by noon so as to meet up with a wonderful lady at her work and have a roof over my head for a short while (who knows how long) have to say it's nice out here for sure. Some dirty looks here and there cause a huge backpack but nothing new there. Well that's it for now back to you all later.

Update: Portland sucks to leave. No on ramps to I5 south (been a few north) anywhere and have to walk through the fang thing. Should have busked up 5 for the bus. Will know next time for sure. Stay out of Portland unless you're going to Portland or have a ride of some sort. On a plus about halfway through my walk i ran across someone else i meet at rainbow. Shared treats and he had me sign his pack. That part was great, so it happened for a reason but ugh this walk sucks. Looks like i might make it tomorrow instead of today unless i get super lucky but hey that's how it is some days. Have some great pictures at least.
Laters all

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

High grass and snakes

Had a major reminder last night that i need to be careful of where i choose to sleep. Got all settled in in some high grass behind a truck stop here when while I'm laying there i here a familiar from long ago rattle. About 10 or 15 get from me in 2 directions are coiled and semi agitated rattle snake. Oh man that one for me nervous. Any ways ended up packing fast but carefully and moving to a spot with very little grass by the highway. Just a reminder to me that nature rules out here. Made it fine but phew.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Tremonton Utah

What an interesting day. This morning i wake up in walmart side grass lot in Bozeman near construction on the closest exit so i walk a bit through Bozeman to the next exit down that happens to have a rest area just off the highway that has wifi. While there i get kicked a 20 so i decide hey i have been very conservative with money lately maybe i should spoil myself a bit (especially after the walk there) so i go to the local coffee shop nearby and got a Good coffee and sat and drank it there. Then i get one to go and head to the highway on-ramp. Get on the highway just past the ramp and sit there about 45 minutes to an hour when this semi stops. Of course I have seen this happen before where they stop to do a quick check on their truck so i watch to see if any signs that he is there for me. He starts backing up slowly basically saying that yes it is my ride out. So when i get to the door guess what, it is none other than Roger from Way Station Cafe in the rainbow gathering. Well holy crap. Anyways we had a great chat and he brought me all the way to Tremonton Utah many many miles closer to my destination of Eugene/Springfield Oregon.  So now I am here almost sunset but very much closer in a small chill town relaxing and happy and also many miles away from the mass of hitchhikers coming from the rainbow so a much easier time getting rides is ahead. Definitely good luck and meant to be if you ask me, i mean what is the general likelihood of me running into him of all places after a gathering. The best part is, and my daughter should be proud and very happy about this, what he recognized on the highway wasn't so much me but Ixel my raccoon backpack my daughter gave me for fathers day that you have all seen in my pics and vids from time to time.

Funny how when you just let things flow and help others how things just seem to work out right. What a long strange and fun trip so far lets see what happens tomorrow now :)

Having Fun and making friends

Great helpful friendly free cafe in Bozeman

Hi all. I would like to tell you all about this wonderful and friendly cafe in Bozeman Montana called the Community Cafe. Every day between 5 and 7 they serve free good tasting meals to anyone hungry that shows up. The only thing they ask in return is that people respect the place and others while there. During my time in Bozeman they saved me so much hassle trying to find a decent daily meal. If you are ever in Bozeman stop by and get a decent meal and be sure to thank these super kind folks, and if you need help finding any other services in the area they are always willing and helpful with that information as well.

About to head out to Oregon


Saturday, July 13, 2013

In Bozeman again

Well back in Bozeman again, had to make some money busking and in butte the cops were starting to harass the street kids no matter what they were doing. Also the job offer fell through. Think he was afraid of competition. Never got a chance to talk to his boss, he took off to fast.

But anyways tomorrow I head out to Seattle Washington for hemp fest. If I get there soon enough I can even get a temp job working at hemp fest. Hope all goes well, it should. At the moment just waiting for McDonalds in Walmart to open to get coffee

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Extremely tempting job offer

Well while sitting in McDonalds i just had a sales kid offer me a job doing door to door sales selling green multi cleaners. Offer includes nightly hotel room 50% commission on sales and travel to the states I am heading to anyways. After here they are going to Washington then to Oregon. Think I am going to go for it. At least i can get a shower, room, pay, and transportation to get where I was planning to go anyways

And another day in Butte.

Will in a debate at the moment. Do I hit the highway or wait for the folk music fest this weekend. It's a toss up at the moment though. Cops here are fearing 10,000 rainbow hippies are going to show up even though most went west already to other festivals in Oregon and Washington. Despite that cops are being dicks to anyone that looks like a street kid (backpack, dirty clothes, et al) regardlessly of if they are rainbow or not. Either way though it has been fun here. Day 3 and maybe be here another 2 so that makes 5 days in Butte. On the other side of the coin though i have made many new acquaintances out here and all have been super kind. But hey ever since I first started journeying hitching 13 years ago I have always heard it said that the streets look out for each other, the elderly, and children. Some of the best parents I have meet out here are dirty dready kids. Well that's it as far as I know today so this is Stiks signing out for now.
Later all

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hot day in Butte

Well still in Butte. Is a hot day today, a little to hot to sit by the highway so I'm spending my time at McDonald's in the AC drinking coffee using the Wi-Fi always fun. Maybe later tonight I will hop on the highway and work my way toward Bozeman but for now here I sit

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Nice ride from Dillon to Butte

Hello again all. Out of Dillon now. Caught an awesomely sweet ride as well. A 58 Lincoln seafoam green. Oh it was nice. Didn't see that drunk again since last night's incident so all good there. Mostly been lazy today though. Even the nice ride was a miracle ride since i was napping under the shade of a tree. No matter what though it was an awesome well taken care of ride. Well off again to find a place to sleep tonight. Maybe by the highway again, I shall see.

Morning all

Morning all. Slept near the highway last night after a drunk dude tried to start a fight with me thinking i was someone else. I Really am getting tired of stupid drunks but he figured out with help I wasn't the kid he was looking for. Highway was pretty far of a walk from where he was so as to make sure i didn't get bothered in the night. Overall pretty good so far though. Had a nice couple ask about my travels then kick me a 20 for breakfast so double happy there. Now just to find a ride out of this town.

The gathering was great. Not as big as 13 years ago in 2000 but still decent sized. A lot more agro dramas though due to a change in attending generations. Now it is becoming less hippy and more gutter street punk. I miss the hippies was way more fun and enjoyable.

Met an awesome Utah kitchen while i was there. They were a great set of folks at the "Way Station Cafe" can't wait to get in touch with them again someday.

Well that's all for now off to get food and smokes then back to the highway I think.

Lovin you all friends and fans
Hitching Stiks

Monday, July 8, 2013

2 part vid from rainbow



Night vid from gathering


So far at the gathering

Been having a blast. Met quite a few street kids that I have been hanging out with here and there. Made it to the gathering after a little drama between my possible rides. Hopped out of All Bright's car to get here faster and get away from the drama makers.
Now that I'm here though things are awesome. Been to a few drum circles, found only a handful of the kitchens out here, and did a little trading. Got this cool shirt at trade circle, will post a picture of it on here with this post. It's the morning of the 28th so 4 days till the gathering technically starts but the party has already started for most. :)


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